Friday, September 18, 2009

Kayak emerges from Basement!!

Hoping to take it out this weekend

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Done, Done, Done!!!!!!!

Construction has concluded.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Gluing Coaming

Well the epoxy finally cured and I was able to attached the left coaming. Tomorrow the other side.

Second coat upper coaming and right lower coaming

Well the epoxy finally cured and I was able to attached the left coaming. Tomorrow the other side.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Getting closer...

Had to re-finish the seat coaming (directly above) because the epoxy didn't cure properly the first time (#$%$%@$). The other piece is for the seat support. I keep getting closer although learning the whole "patience thing" isn't going so well.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Deck attached and glassed!

Haven't posted in a long time. The deck is atached and the entire boat is now glassed. It's actually seaworthy at this point. I have to add the skirt coaming, seat and foot pedals and that's it for construction. After the epoxy cures (about one month) I have to cover the boat with 5 to 10 coasts of varnish -- can't wait (read sarcasm).

Thursday, April 10, 2008

prep before glassing inside of the hull

Inside of the boat saturated with epoxy. Fiberglass fabric comes next

Butt Seams reinforced with fiberglass tape

Filleted stern and bow

fiberglas laid out in hull

Fiberglass fabric cut and laid out.